The highly productive technology for the production of nanofibers enables the cost-effective production of the nanofibrous structure at a significantly higher production capacity per production unit. It provides the possibility to utilize nanofibrous materials in areas where they could not have been applied before due to the high cost.
Technology enabling a production of very homogeneous nanofiber membranes. We use this technology to produce ChitoFib applied in medical devices. A homogeneity of the produced membrane makes it possible to use this technology for production of orally dispersible tablets/films (ODT/F) in a form of a flat film containing an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)
We use lamination technology for a production of technical materials, materials for medical devices, and materials for ODT. We apply different types of adhesives, bonding under the influence of heat and pressure. We also use bicomponent materials as substrates or carriers of nanofiber layers.
We are innovators, changing visions into reality together with our customers and partners. We use high-tech technologies and integrate them into established production processes as needed. As a result, we produce highly innovative nano materials with unique properties. Our know-how is protected but we happy to share with the right partners.
Headquarters: 5. května 1640/65, 140 00 Praha 4 (Praque Congress Centre)
Production: Ampérova, 463 12 Liberec (South Industrial Zone)
IČ: 01780263 | VATNo: CZ01780263 | Data Box: j2m7b8c
Společnost je vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 266630
Executive Director: Marcela Munzarová