Technology MACspinner
The highly productive technology for the production of nanofibers enables the cost-effective production of the nanofibrous structure at a significantly higher production capacity per production unit. It provides the possibility to utilize nanofibrous materials in areas where they could not have been applied before due to the high cost.
The technology produces nanofibrous material in an open "fluffy" structure. This structure supports the depth filtration principle and provides the materials with dust holding capacity with excellent filtration efficiency and outstanding breathability.
Picture of the structure and spraying on the carrier
NanospiderTM Technology
Technology enabling a production of very homogeneous nanofiber membranes. We use this technology to produce ChitoFib applied in medical devices. A homogeneity of the produced membrane makes it possible to use this technology for production of orally dispersible tablets/films (ODT/F) in a form of a flat film containing an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).
Nanospider TM technology is also suitable for a production of vapour permeable nanofiber membranes for apparel, microfiltration, and other applications. The compactness and porosity of the nanofibre membrane are suitable for surface filtration applications.
The use of the membrane significantly increases the filtration efficiency and extends the filter life (number of regeneration cycles).
Membrane picture
We use lamination technology for a production of technical materials, materials for medical devices, and materials for ODT.
We apply different types of adhesives, bonding under the influence of heat and pressure. We also use bicomponent materials as substrates or carriers of nanofiber layers.
Laminate picture